(705 ratings)

Aman - Guida turistica a Delhi

"Namaste! Sono Aman, un vero Delhite nato e cresciuto in questa vibrante città. Con una passione per i viaggi, la cultura e il cibo, sono entusiasta di condividere la mia esperienza con te in questo tour culturale indiano. Come guida di prim'ordine su Guruwalk a Delhi, prometto di portarti in un viaggio indimenticabile attraverso il ricco patrimonio della città Unisciti a me in una visita spirituale a un Gurudwara (Tempio Sikh), dove esploreremo la sala della comunità, la cucina e. testimonia il servizio disinteressato dei volontari che preparano pasti per migliaia di persone. Quindi, tuffiamoci nel cuore della Vecchia Delhi, alla scoperta di gemme nascoste come antichi templi, maestosi haveli e monumenti unici, il tutto assaporando i sapori del cibo di strada della città Instagram @tourswithaman e preparati a vivere l'autentico ritmo di Delhi Con la mia guida esperta, conoscerai la vera Delhi, oltre il livello superficiale. Esploriamo insieme questa incredibile città!

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 1172
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2020
Lingue: Inglese

1 Tour di Aman

Ratings (705)

(2 Ratings) Newlyn
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Feb 2025

Did a walking tour with Arpit a couple of weeks ago, and would recommend without a doubt. Got to experience things we would not have found on our own, and learnt so much about life, history, culture and food, among other things. Arpit was great at keeping us informed on the tour of stops and etiquette in various places, full of recommendations, and had a lot of enthusiasm in welcoming us to his city. Thanks so much! It was the best way to be introduced to Old Delhi.

(1 Rating) New York
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Mar 2025

Arpit was phenomenal! Great tour and fun stops. He made several stops for the group that were optional and we had a great time! Highly recommend.

(3 Ratings) Sydney
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Feb 2025

(1 Rating) União das Freguesias de Leiria, Pousos, Barreira e Cortes
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Feb 2025

Arpit knows Old Delhi very well and we were able to navigate Chandni Chowk quite effectively with his guidance. The highlights of the walk were the visit to the Sikh Gurudwara and to the Spice Market. Contrary to other guided experience I had in India, his english proficency is very good and I really enjoyed his insights. Thank you Guru ji! :)

(3 Ratings) Deniliquin
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Mar 2025

Arpit Sadh was a great guide , unfortunately I could not finish the tour due to another commitment. Though interesting I think we spent a bit too long in the Gurdwara. The restaurant we visited was delicious food and the recommendation for the Paneer Paratha was taken by the whole group! Thanks Arpit!

Destinazioni a cui Aman offre tour

(705 ratings)
