(294 ratings)

Leonor - Guida turistica a Ronda

Ciao! Sono Leo, guida locale, originario di Ronda. Mi dedico al settore del turismo negli ultimi 10 anni. Sono appassionato del mio lavoro, per questo ho deciso di iniziare il mio percorso come libero professionista. Sono una rondeña divertente e amichevole. Adoro incontrare persone provenienti da zone diverse e mostrare loro la mia città. Conosco Ronda e i suoi dintorni, se partecipi ai miei tour conoscerai la città sognata in un modo unico e personalizzato, cammineremo attraverso quegli angoli nascosti, parleremo di storia, leggende, tradizioni e segreti di questa bellissima città.

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 276
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2020
Lingue: Inglese, Francese

1 Tour di Leonor

Ratings (294)

(3 Ratings) Cordova
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Nov 2024

Loved Leonora's tour, showed us the old town and places to visit, chatty and informative, good English.

(2 Ratings) Brighton and Hove
Guidati da Leonor
Viaggiato da solo - Sep 2024

It was just amazing. Very informative. I thought Leonor would cancel the tour,because I was the only one,but she showed me around and explained everything,it was very enjoyable and I asked her a lot of questions she could all answer. She gave me a lot of tips about food,places to go,etc. Such a fantastic experience. I take this fond memory home. Thank you Leonora.

(1 Rating) Cadice
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Sep 2024

Easily one of the best walking tours we have been on. Leo is extremely knowledgeable about the city and it's history. Here tour explores the old city and has some amazing views. I'd totally recommend Leo as a guide

(12 Ratings) Pittsburgh
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jan 2024

We waited for nearly 1/2 hour at the meeting place, outside restaurant near the bullring. No guide showed up. Most disappointed after driving to Ronda from Malaga expecting a Guru Walk tour!

Risposta di Leonor:
The booking was cancelled in advance. There are no tours now. I had a baby, I am not working. There are a lot of local guides in Ronda, there are also english tours at the tourist office. Look for another tour and pay for it, It's not my fault, you are very rude and ... Happy not to know you 😜
(1 Rating) Stoccolma
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Feb 2023

She didn’t show up even if our reservation was confirmed.

Risposta di Leonor:
You booked it shortly before the tour, the appication accepted not me, I did not send you any message or confirmation because I did not see the reservation. I told you to go to the tourist office, there were english tours but you had to pay. Happy not to meet people like you. Thanks 😀

Destinazioni a cui Leonor offre tour

(294 ratings)
