

  • 4604
(76 ratings)

Milan - Guida turistica a Katmandu

Namaste! Mi chiamo Milan e vengo dalla parte orientale del Nepal. Ho studiato a Kathmandu e ho una lunga esperienza lavorativa nel settore turistico in diversi ruoli, e ho anche avuto l'opportunità di esplorare un po' di questo paese. C'è così tanto da vedere, sentire, assaggiare, esplorare, imparare e capire nel nostro piccolo paese himalayano, che mi rende molto curioso di così tante cose, mantenendomi motivato ad apprendere diversi aspetti della complessa struttura dei nostri stili di vita, cultura e filosofia. Incontrare persone da tutto il mondo e condividere e imparare idee, conoscenze e pensieri bizzarri sono le cose che più mi piacciono di ciò che faccio. Spero di trasmettere fatti e storie, al meglio delle mie conoscenze e di fornire approfondimenti sulla bellezza storica, naturale e culturale del Nepal arcaico ♥

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 155
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2022
Lingue: Inglese

2 Tour di Milan

Ratings (76)

(2 Ratings) Barcellona
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Mar 2025

The most insightfull conversation in a very long time. Thank You Milan 🙏🏽

Risposta di Milan:
Namaste Sandra, thank you so much for your kind feedback. It was such a pleasant walk and wonderful conversation. Really appreciate your kindness and generosity. Wish you beautiful exploration and adventures to come your way) Take care ♥
(14 Ratings) New York
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Mar 2025

Thank you, Milan. We had a wonderful walk with you. You inspired us to learn more about Hinduism.

Risposta di Milan:
Namaste Thad, thanks very much for your kind response. It was very pleasant walk and appreciate your humbleness. Wish you very best for your new learning quest and adventures to come your way) Take care ♥
Joaquim Manuel
(5 Ratings) Porto
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Feb 2025

Masterclass about Hinduism and Buddhism.

Risposta di Milan:
Namaste Joaquim, thank you so very much for your kind review. I feel sorry, as you guys were in group with other keen curious travelers who had many specific questions to ask, which may not have been interesting or confusing, and you were in little hurry too. Happy that you took part in the walk and being very cool and patient throughout. Wish you best of adventures in coming days. Take Care ♥
(3 Ratings) Guadalajara
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Dec 2024

Milan is a super friendly, knowledgeable, and professional guide. We had a great whole morning with him. He also adapts to your needs and is quite flexible. Fully recommendable.

Risposta di Milan:
Namaste Antonio, thanks very much for your kind feedback. It was very pleasant walk and glad to be part of your exploration in Kathmandu. Appreciate your humbleness. Wish you all the very best for your new adventures and exploration to come your way) Take care ♥
(1 Rating) Cottbus
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Dec 2024

Risposta di Milan:
Namaste Maria, thanks so much for your kind feedback and glad for your participation. It was pleasant walk and thanks for taking time to review. Wish you all the best on your future adventures and exploration) Take Care ♥

Destinazioni a cui Milan offre tour


  • 4604
(76 ratings)
