(31 ratings)

South - Guida turistica a Málaga

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 139
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2018
Lingue: Inglese

1 Tour di South

Ratings (31)

(1 Rating) Casablanca
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Mar 2025

Imagine planning your day expecting to have a tour, get your family ready and there 15 minutes early and then the guide never calls or shows up! This company let down my kids, ruined our planned day and has absolutely respect for travelors!

(3 Ratings) Auckland
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jun 2024

The tour guide while very nice, was a UK student working in a holiday job. We felt she wasn't as passionate about the subject as other guides we have encountered on our holiday in Europe. We plan to do self guided tours from now on.

(1 Rating) Warrington
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jun 2024

The tour was both enjoyable & informative. Been back to Malaga to visit places of interest on the tour. It was excellent. Thankyou to the guides.

(1 Rating) Salonicco
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - May 2024

Amazing tour to get to know Malaga. Our guide was very friendly and polite with nice energy, ready to answer any question we might had. 100% worth it!

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - May 2024

This tour was perfect! It was my first time in Malaga so I didn't know nothing about the city. Mare, our guide, was really nice with us, explain all the places very well. Everything was clear and easy to understand! Thank you for this moment!

Destinazioni a cui South offre tour

(31 ratings)
