(105 ratings)


CIAO! Sono Mario! Nato e cresciuto a Coimbra, sono sempre stato curioso di conoscere la storia della mia città e in che modo quella storia è visibile nel presente. Ho anche studiato Architettura, con specializzazione in Paesaggio e Archeologia. Con l'esperienza e la conoscenza che ho della città, penso di poter fornire una visione interessante e fresca di Coimbra. Unisciti a me in una passeggiata!

1 Tour di Mário

Ratings (105)

(1 Rating) Zermatt
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jun 2024

Perfect guide, very informative, nice speaking, super helpful, would do it again with Mario!

(2 Ratings) Murcia
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jun 2024

Ive taken 50+ walking tours and this was by far the best! Mário was full of interesting information and supplemented every story with pictures. The variety of places we saw was perfect, and the time was neither too long nor too short. I thoroughly enjoyed it and if you are looking for a tour in Coimbra, Mario's is the best option!

(1 Rating) Los Angeles
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jun 2024

Our favorite walking tour from our trip! Mário was extremely knowledgeable and prepared. We throughly enjoyed his tour and recommendations.

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jun 2024

Mario was a wonderfull guide. A real insider's guide to Coimbra. Highly recommended.

(1 Rating) Florida City
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jun 2024

We were the only people on the tour. He went at our speed slow and geared the tour to what we wanted. Would use him again

Destinazioni a cui Mário offre tour

(105 ratings)
