Stefano, vodič je imao par humorističnih komentara i to je bilo to njega....tura je bila loša
U startu je tura kasnila 10 minuta
Bukirali smo turu Vatikana, a prvih 55 minuta obilaska nismo prešli most do tvrđave sant Angelo
Stajali smo svakih 20 metara da bi vodič nešto rekao
Vidi se na Stefano ima puno znanja, ali je tura potpuno nekonzistentna
Risposta di NewRomeFreeTour:
Dear Matea so sorry to see you left 1 star review. The tour started on time at 10.00 stefano. Customers have to be 10 minutes earlier. The title of the walking tour is Exploring the Vatican city that is the reason of the many stops. The fact you wrote the review in croatian made us confirm, as our guide told us, your showed a lack in english and this is probably the reason the tour was quite stressful for you, by the way the international code for croatian for car plates is HR. Happy Easter!