(14 ratings)

Taku -National Licensed Guide

Ciao! Mi chiamo Taku e la mia passione è far conoscere ai viaggiatori la bellezza e le complessità del Giappone. Dal 2015 sono una guida turistica autorizzata, mostrando principalmente le meraviglie di Osaka e Kyoto. Anche se il Giappone è ricco di luoghi panoramici e siti storici, ho anche un affetto speciale per i luoghi un po’ fuori dai sentieri battuti. Credo che sia in questi luoghi che i visitatori possano davvero intravedere la vita quotidiana dei giapponesi moderni. Oltre ad essere una guida, ho una famiglia con tre figli. Quindi, se sei curioso riguardo ai genitori o alla vita quotidiana in Giappone, sentiti libero di chiedere! Fuori dal lavoro, sono un appassionato fan del baseball e ho un debole per il riso al curry. Da giovane ho vissuto in vari paesi tra cui Stati Uniti, Brasile, Mozambico e Tailandia. Non vedo l'ora di condividere con voi il fascino del Giappone!

1 Tour di Taku -National Licensed Guide

Ratings (14)

(1 Rating) Tauranga
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Nov 2023

An awesome tour! Taku took us through a market which had a very local feel to it. Taku organised for us to try some delicious local foods like pickled vegetables, miso and green tea from multi generational family shops. The miso soup we tasted was the best I've ever had. The second half of the tour was through a Shinto shrine which is still a significant and well used shrine by the people in the area. He provided us with great insight and information on why the shrine was important and how it's used in modern day Japan. We really enjoyed the tour and felt it gave us an insight into Osaka life that we would not have gotten otherwise.

(1 Rating) Eindhoven
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Oct 2023

What an excellent tour guide! He really provided good information and answered all of the questions we had. Nevetheless, did he take the group to a local area in which we had the opportunity to try the food and meet the locals. If you are looking for a great tour guide -> choose Taku!

(1 Rating) Gold Coast
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Oct 2023

(1 Rating) Monaco di Baviera
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Oct 2023

Lovely insights into the less touristy parts of Osaka. I often feel awkward talking to locals even if I know a bit of Japanese so I was glad that Taku introduced us to some local shop keeps. Some of the shops have been in the area for 90 years or more! We also got to snack on delicious food samples along the way. Definitely recommend Taku's tour 😄

(1 Rating) Breda
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Sep 2023

Taku was very friendly and knew a lot! It was fun to explore a part outside the centre of Osaka. Taku his English was really good so we could understand everything. We enjoyed our Walk with Taku.

Destinazioni a cui Taku -National Licensed Guide offre tour

(14 ratings)
