(9 ratings)


Ciao, mi chiamo Aida e adoro mostrare alle persone la mia città. Sentiti libero di contattarci se hai domande!

1 Tour di Aida

Ratings (9)

(2 Ratings) Amersfoort
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

We had a very pleasant walking tour with Aida. She shared a lot of information about Yerevan with us, has a good sense of humour and was very kind.

(1 Rating) Liegi
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jun 2024

The tour is not super extensive - just right! -, but it treats a good amount of different sights and places of which Aïda is able to share plenty of facts and history, and sometimes juicy anecdotes - I particularly loved the one about the exiled and then retrieved director of the brandy distillery! Aïda's really, really kind, smart, educated and seems to enjoy answering all the questions you can possibly fire at her. I was blessed to have her for myself this morning as no other bookings had been made. Instead of cancelling she made sure I got my Yerevan tour no matter what --- thus making a lot less in donations while doing the same hours, which I thought I should mention! Thank you!! Yerevan is quite amazing and the tour was perfect; ever so pleasant and I'm very grateful. Aïda is really, really good at this. Absolutely fully recommended! Thank you!

(2 Ratings) Erevan
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - May 2024

Kind and professional

(5 Ratings) Miami Beach
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - May 2024

Aida provided a great introduction to the city of Yerevan and was wonderful in answering all of my questions

(5 Ratings) Houston
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - May 2024

It was a very nice tour and Aida is a fun and knowledgeable guide who made the tour very enjoyable.

Destinazioni a cui Aida offre tour

(9 ratings)
