(10 ratings)

Sanet - Guida turistica a

Sono un sudafricano nato e cresciuto con un grande amore per il mio paese e per la città madre (Città del Capo) in cui vivo. Oltre alla sua squisita bellezza naturale, questa città ha una storia affascinante. Ho viaggiato in lungo e in largo, ma torno sempre in questo luogo magico e amo condividerlo con i visitatori.

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 17
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2023
Lingue: Inglese

1 Tour di Sanet

Ratings (10)

(2 Ratings) Tampa
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Nov 2024

(1 Rating) Zurigo
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Oct 2024

An amazing tour with a very professional guide! We were so luky to have found such a prepared and helful guide!

(1 Rating) Berlino
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Oct 2024

We had a nice tour through Cape Town with Sanet and feel very well informed. We got to see a big part of the city and want to thank Sanet that she took so much time.

(1 Rating) Colonia
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - May 2024

Super cool! She was simply amazing. We saw so mamy beutiful places and it was a wonderful!

Risposta di Sanet:
Aaahh Oihane! It was so nice meeting you and walking with you :) I really hope that you can still see some of the places that we didn't get to, and that the rest of your trip will be super good! :)
(1 Rating) Lisbona
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Aug 2024

It was a great tour with Sanet, where I had the chance to learn about the history of Cape Town and learn about its main monuments, squares, and gardens. Highly recommended for visitors how are interested in taking a walk in city centre.

Risposta di Sanet:
Thank you for the nice review Manuel! It was such a pleasure to walk with you and share information. I hope the rest of your time in Cape Town will be great :)

Destinazioni a cui Sanet offre tour

(10 ratings)
