Mi piace viaggiare. Lavoro insegnando spagnolo a stranieri e sono anche felice di fare amicizia con persone provenienti da diverse parti del mondo.
El tour muy bueno, la información y los lugares que recorrimos fueron muy interesantes, sin duda lo recomiendo!
Me gustó mucho el tour. Santiago nos ha guiado de manera muy profesional y autentica. Muy recomendable!
Santiago is an amazing guide. He speaks really good English. He gave us an entertaining and interesting tour through La Candelaria and told us a lot about the history of the city and country.
I felt somewhat sorry for Santiago as I was the only attendee but then again, I was glad to have his 100% attention as well. He is very well informed and I learned a lot about Bogotá and Colombia’s history. His English is also extremely good and so is his accent. It was a very enjoyable experience and I highly recommend it.
Adorei o tour. Passamos por pontos superinteressantes no centro de Bogotá e Santiago era bastante informado sobre a história da cidade. Recomendo.