(15 ratings)


Ciao, sono Pedro, nato a La Paz ma vivo a Cochabamba fin dall'infanzia. Spero di guidarvi affinché il vostro soggiorno qui sia piacevole e possiate scoprire tutto ciò che la nostra meravigliosa città ha da offrire. Se quello che cerchi è cultura, tradizioni e natura, Cochabamba ha molto da offrire.

1 Tour di Pedro

Ratings (15)

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Sep 2024

Pedro nos llevó a los lugares históricos de Cochabamba, y a demás de la historia nos explicó su cultura y nos ayudó a entender la situación actual vista desde su experiencia. Fue un tour muy completo con información muy interesante.

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jul 2024

Very enjoyable tour! Pedro is very knowledgeable and was great to try different things that I would have never tried alone. Tour was about 3 hours in the end.

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

Pedro was an amazing tour guide! He told us all about the history, politics, and culture of Cochabamba & Bolivia and even introduced us to some local vendors. Pedro’s love for his city and his country was evident and contagious! We would highly recommend this tour.

(4 Ratings) Colonia
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jun 2024

Even if we were only two people Pedro took his time, explained a lot about history and the city itself and showed us the markets. It was really nice and we even got great recommendations after the tour. Many thanks!

(3 Ratings) Prenzlau
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jun 2024

Fachkundiger Guide. Habe viele interessante Informationen über Cochabamba und Bolivien erhalten. Vielen Dank.

Destinazioni a cui Pedro offre tour

(15 ratings)
