Unfortunately, this was the worst free tour I have been on so far. The guide greeted everyone by saying that „the free tour is not actually free“ and then delivered the informtation in a very chaotic way barely scratching the surface of Valetta‘s Wikipedia article.
Risposta di AuthenticMalta:
Dear Alexander, you mention 3 times in the private comments that the guide said "free tours are not free". Maybe you are aware but not everyone is. And she said is not free for her since she has to pay the platform for your attendance and asked you if you decide to leave to let her know. People doing the full tour and leaving just before last stop, unluckily is a reality. On top of that, please refer to the recommendation of guruwalk to the gurus: they recommend saying this at the start and end of the tour! I will send it to you by email. This makes me think you are not familiar with free tours.
We understand is easier when history is delivered linearly, but usually during the tour we relate it to the buildings and squares we are standing. What we can assure to you is that her knowledge is not Wikipedia's! She is a professional with experience and great reviews. We wonder how much limited your experience the fact that you didn't like to be reminded that free tours are not free.