My name is Claudio and I was born in the longest and narrowest country in the world: Chile. I started traveling through different countries and cities both in America and Europe, getting to know their cultures and customs, until one day I came to Nuremberg. I am passionate about German history and its customs. After reading so much, the following saying fell into my hands: "Never let anyone tell you that you cannot do something, if you have a dream protect it, if you want something, go for it." From that moment I made the decision to leave the place where I was born, one of the lands that produce the best wines in the world, to adopt Nuremberg, in northern Bavaria, the land of beers, as its new home. I am graduated in accounting and marketing studies. From my own experience as a traveler who wants to know each destination city, I discovered in history and in their stories, my new passion. Now I study German while I continue to unravel the history of Nuremberg. Claudio can be found on your next tour, waiting for all the tourists with a smile and his Chilean way of relating, to show you how beautiful the city is.
It was really great experience, maybe on the end it was too long (especially in cold weather). I would recommend to wear the warmest clother available to you!
Valentina explica de manera clara amena y profesional la historia de los distintos edificios del recorrido, el tour vale la pena.
Nos dio muy buenos tips, buena información y un tour ameno. Volvería.
Jonathan, es super ameno y te hace participar.fue una experiencia única, una española en un tour Alemán con un guía mexicano.... salí fascinada. Repetiré con el otro tour de Núremberg que me falta.