(50 ratings)

White Umbrella Tours - Tour Guide in Budapest

The idea of creating White Umbrella Tours was born in September 2012 and eight months later, on May 3, 2013, it started offering tours in Prague. Then came Paris, Budapest, Munich, Amsterdam, Madrid, Lisbon and Seville. First the tours in Spanish began and then the tours in Italian and English arrived. White Umbrella Tours Sevilla understands that its greatest treasure is its workers, collaborators and of course, its clients. For this reason the relationship between White Umbrella Tours and all the people around them is special. White Umbrella Tours, more than a vertical company with an iron structure, is a flexible manager of collective work, in which key decisions are always made through dialogue. This business concept makes White Umbrella Tours and White Umbrella Tours Seville an attractive place for professional and motivated guides. The entire philosophy of White Umbrella Tours materializes when the traveler perceives that he is in the best hands and making his experience something peculiar. , special and unforgettable. White Umbrella Tours is, in concept and practice, a modern company of the 21st century.

About the guide

Tours delivered on GuruWalk: 168
Guide on GuruWalk since: 2022
Languages: Spanish

2 Tours of White Umbrella Tours

Ratings (50)

(1 Rating)
Verified booking
Travelled in group - Dec 2024

Lamentablemente nos dejó tirados el guia.q falta de respeto

(2 Ratings) Granada
Verified booking
Travelled in group - Dec 2024

No se presentó y tampoco contestó a los mensajes enviados. La empresa tampoco respondió a los mails.

(1 Rating)
Verified booking
Travelled in group - Jan 2025

El guía no se presentó y nos quedamos más de 20 personas sin poder realizar el tour.

(1 Rating) Albacete
Verified booking
Travelled in group - Dec 2024

Indignante!!!! Simplemente

(6 Ratings) Almería
Verified booking
Travelled in group - Dec 2024

El gurú no se presentó al tour, nos dejó esperando a muchas personas , en ningún momento respondió a las personas que le contactamos, una mala atención y un gran desprecio por las personas que esperan en la calle con un tiempo gélido. Muy mala experiencia con guruwalk.

Destinations where White Umbrella Tours offers tours

(50 ratings)
