Running free tours, bike tours in Riga for over 10 years. We have been making Free Tours to show the city of Riga in a different light. Our approach to guiding is more relaxed than other tours and we try to entertain as well as be informative. Our team is really mixed, we have historians, artists, geographers, actors, a real mixed bag of people. Our aim is to keep developing and learning to give a new perspective on the city for residents and visitors alike.
We had an excellent tour with Ulrika today. Lots of facts and information we didn't know about Latvia. She told us a really great canteen to eat in, Lido. Cheap. Authentic, and delicious. Thanks
Liga was excellent as our tour guide. She was knowledgeable, passionate, and had a sense of humour too. A great way to explore old town!
Tour interessant für Menschen, die gerne Fakten hören. Tour wäre lebendiger, wenn der Führer kurzweilige Anekdoten zu Historie/Sehenswürdigkeiten einbringen würde.
Great tour, it was really informative and the guide was witty and engaging.