Dear travelers, we were waiting for you! Welcome to San Sebastian! We are the Lamias, a young and passionate group. We love to make known the history and essence of San Sebastián, which has always known how to adapt to different events in a fascinating way, and that no matter how many times you walk around it, it never stops making you fall in love and always has something to surprise you with. We really like to convey history and anthropological details through anecdotes, curiosities and laughter, so don't be afraid that it will be a heavy tour because we try to make it something really fun and enjoyable. For us it is important to be that warm welcome that travelers need to feel at home and to be able to provide that toolbox necessary to fully enjoy this magical city.
Excelente guía! Vive cada historia con pasión y eso los transmite! MUCHAS GRACIAS GABO!!
Perfect tour The best food recomendations
Gabriel un buen actor
Gabriel es un gurú muy profesional, divertido y con mucha información de interés, nos hemos divertido y aprendido mucho sobre la historia de San Sebastián.
Un tour muy recomendable y destacar nuestro guía Gabriel, fantástico. Muy recomendable.