

Published reviews (1)

Walking tour along Trieste. History and romance.

upon starting the tour , he informed us that we definetly have to pay 10 eu each ... no problem if the offered service is correct , we sometimes pay even more ... it is also weird that he says that it is written on the website ... in my opinion there is written some people pay 10 eu others 50 ... We have attended already some Guru walk tours , but this time we decided not to join the guide due to his behaviour ... We were also the only two attendees he was already upset because I didn't answer his sms ... although I had previously (2h prior to departure time) confirmed our presence

Response from Murad
Hi first of all you were informed about payment in very polite way.Also I told you if it is not ok for you, you can leave the tour. I offered it to you, so what do you mean when you wrote about my behaviour? If conditions are not good, people can leave. About SMS, I asked you to confirm coming. I wrote you on platform and SMS. You did not answer, I have a proof, as I keep it on my phone. So strange to read it. You do not answer . If tourists do not answer, guide can not come. I came and got such unfair comment. Answer your words please