Why did I become a tour guide? Well, I’m not from New York ( or any other place in the US for that matter) I came here few years ago from Florence, Italy as tourist myself and then fell in love with this vibrant city (and not only the city…) and decided to stay.
I was struck also by the amazing architecture, I’m very passionate about Art Deco and New York is the “Mecca” of this exciting and elegant style . I discovered then so many more aspect to this city that I used to know and that usually people who don’t live here , really know.
Few years ago I felt the need to share all my knowledge about New York as an “insider” who also still has a tourist point of you, so that people that are visiting the city can appreciate a little bit more of the “real” Big Apple and the incredible energy that it transmits through its people. So I decided to become a New York City Licensed Sightseeing Guide and start this new adventure.
I’m convinced that there isn’t a tour more interesting than another, there isn’t a “One Fits All” solution. Each one of us has different interests and needs , therefore a tailored itinerary is always the best option. Your unforgettable journey in NYC starts from here…