I travel around the world my hole life, It’s one of my passions. I love to know Cities from differents perspectives. I can do the tour in English, Spanish, Portugues, Italian and why not a little Deutsch 😉. I live in Basel for two years , It’s and amazing multiculti City . Hat the perfect size to walked it and lern about the History, food, Art ( hat the biggest Art event in the world). I enjoy a lot meeting new people and share Gastronomy & Cultural experiencies. ( Basel is an ideal City for that ).
Tour interesante, muy entretenido y perfecto resumen de la ciudad
Suspendió el tour por razones médicas y no hubo una solución alternativa
Un gran Guia. Ha conseguido que las horas del Tour passaran “demasiado” rapido. Dejandonos con ganas de mucho mas