I really enjoyed the tour!! Mark was a brilliant guide and the information were really valuable to me. It reflected upon so many different fights within the community and showed great and darker places in that history. I recommended it to my Londoner friends and hope they’ll gonna go to learn:) thanks for the tour!!
Wir waren froh, dass wir überhaupt noch eine Tour gefunden haben, allerdings ist diese Tour wohl nicht für uns gemacht gewesen. Wir fanden es leider nicht sonderlich spannend und haben wenig mitgenommen. Auch wenn der Titel Da Vinci und Renaissance ist, haben wir uns mehr allgemeine Fakten zu Milano und den Sehenswürdigkeiten gewünscht. Allgemein war die Route auch echt mager mit 4 Stops.
Matteo was a really nice guide and we enjoyed discovering Bologna with him. Unfortunately the group was really big which made the experience a little less beautiful.
We kind of expected some general tour with side information on the Medici but it basically turned out to be all about them. For us it was really boring and we had to break up the tour after 30min. Unfortunately, the guide seemed to be really in his routine and his way of presenting didn’t catch us at all. If you like really detailed information however it might be for you.