My name is Fausto and I am an authorized tour guide of the Sicily Region. I live in Syracuse, one of the most beautiful cities in the Mediterranean, where history, natural beauty and unique monuments in the world are intertwined. There is nothing more beautiful for me than to tell its thousand-year history to visitors, revealing its secrets and its beauty.
El me envió un mensaje de que no llego al mínimo de personas por lo que cancelo el tour
Nuestro grupo de cinco personas sólo hablamos español y Fausto nos hizo el tour ,con mucha dedicación, en un italiano que entendimos. Le agradecemos de corazón .
Almeno sapere che occorreva un numero minimo di partecipanti, noi eravamo in 4
Fausto was a wonderful guide. Informative, fun, interesting and patient. We learnt things that we would never have found out on our own and he made the walk fun too. Would definitely recommend.
Ci è piaciuto tantissimo...guida molto preparata... consigliato!