Berlin has been my hometown for many years, and the streets of this vibrant metropolis are as familiar to me as my own four walls. As a certified guide since 2009, I have the privilege of sharing my knowledge of the history, multicultural diversity and socio-political developments of this city with travelers. For me, Berlin is not just a city, but a living history book that I would love to open for you. I will take you on a unique journey of discovery to the most exciting places in Berlin, where you will not only be amazed by the culture and history, but you will also be able to experience the best of cuisine. Because a city not only consists of its past and impressive real estate developments, but also of the diversity of aromas and flavors it has to offer.
Nima is a gracious host who has searched Berlin for amazing tastes to share with his guests. Clearly Nima loves good food and spent considerable effort searching out wonderful food.
Wir haben unsere Tour durch das bitterkalte Berlin- inkl. Kaffeepause sehr genossen. wir mussten mehrmals Termin wechseln, was kein Problem für Nima darstellte und haben so an der Tour durchs jüdische Berlin teilnehmen können. es war trotz der schwierigen Thematik sehr unterhaltsam und wir haben viel Neues gelernt. Nima ist sehr sprachgewandt und konnte sehr gut auf unsere Gruppe eingehen. wenn wir wieder in Berlin sind erkunden wir hoffentlich wieder mit ihm!
Just do this tour. Nima is a local and will show you better tasting food than your research. Trust him and take this tour.
Nima is so nice, even we are only 4 ppl in total. Best free tour ever!