I am a Budapest-loving local and I want to share with you my enthusiasm for Budapest. Its special atmosphere that is a combination of history, the colorful culture, the people, and their love of our land. I studied art and history and have worked as a professional guide for years. Spending time with my grandmother, listening to her stories, learning to cook the the traditional recipes was a great inspiration for me. I'd love to show you my beloved city.
Brigitta connaît parfaitement la vie vie des Juifs de Hongrie à toutes les époques. Elle nous a donné des informations très intéressantes en dehors des sentiers battus. Si vous êtes intéressés par Le sujet, cette visite est incontournable en complément des lieux indiqués dans les guides.
We really enjoyed our walking tour with Brigitta! She is a very charming person with great historical knowledge about the Jewish quarter, the city of Budapest and Hungary. We walked pass the three synagogues and many other magical & special places. We appreciated the tour and recommend it to anyone who is interested in the development of the Jewish district in Budapest.
The tour was really informative and interesting! I felt like knowing so much more about history in Budapest after joining this tour, and it is nice to hear things from a local perspective. A must go tour if you like history.