Maurizio Rossi was born in Bologna in 1969. He is a jurist, writes about travel for Italian and foreign magazines and newspapers, is a guide in Emilia Romagna, travel consultant and travel and expedition planner. Specializing in International and Islamic Law at the University of Nanterre (Paris X), he obtained a master's degree in Diplomacy (Contemporary History and International Relations) from the University of Bologna. He is an expert in Italian art and culture, the history of travel and the ethnography of the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East. In 1997 he founded Azalai, a cultural association whose main objective is to spread a "Travel Culture" that respects humanity everywhere on the planet. He has visited over 150 countries on foot, by bike, by train, by car and off-road vehicle, and in at least 90 of these countries he has traveled as a tour leader. He lived abroad for about 16 years, in France, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, the United States, learning to speak and write fluently about ten languages
Maurizio nos hizo un tour muy interesante, es una persona que sabe mucho y lo transmite muy bien . Hicimos muchos free tours pero el de Maurizio nos enseñó muchísimo la historia de Bolonia . Nos gustó mucho que el relato lo haga una persona que nació en la ciudad de Bolonia , si bien es italiano el habla un español bastante fluido . Gracias Maurizio por enseñarnos tanta historia sobre tu ciudad y con tanta pasión .
Very knowledgeable. Gave a good sense of the history and importance of Bologna. Crammed a lot in - maybe a little too rushed
Great tour to get an overview and felling for the city and its history!