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Los holandeses, el Islam y los colores de Bo-Kaap.



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  • alejandra(10 Opiniones)
    Mexico City
    Guiado por Nathan Arthur
    Viajó en grupo - 03/12/2024

    The guide is well prepared and the route is ok, unfortunately I had a very bad experience, as there were a few things from the tour that I didnt like and that thought that could be improved, like the fact that some stops were super long and useless or the fact that he didnt address some of the questions we asked because it seemed that he was following his script, for these reasons I gave him a bit less than the minimum recommended and he got very upset, then he asked me for feedback which I gave, but instead of listening and trying to understand my pov, he was just trying to invalidate my points, when I was about to pay with my card, he said that there was a commision and he wanted to add the remaining amount to cover the minimum fee even if I decided to pay less, I found this very unprofessional and a lack of respect because he didnt care about my opinion and my decision of how much I wanted to pay he wanted just to force me to pay his fix rate, this is not the concept of a free tour !

    Respuesta del Guru

    Thank you for your review and feedback Alejandra. Blessings and Safe travels.

  • Michael(2 Opiniones)
    Guiado por Nathan Arthur
    Viajó en grupo - 20/11/2024

    Nathan can be touchy, so do not ask question. He can get unfriendly

    Respuesta del Guru

    A very disappointing afternoon walk. The numbers speak for itself 140 + five star reviews and is a testimony to the interactiveness of my walk tour. I am still confused as to why you booked this tour Michael, since you showed no interest and distracted by everything unrelated to the tour. In short very disrespectful.


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