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Recorrido por la histórica Malaca, Patrimonio de la Humanidad de Malasia y ciudad de la UNESCO.



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  • Sarah(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 07/09/2023

    I’m not sure if the guide is biased or has some chip on his shoulder toward solo female Asian travellers but I was the first to arrive and chatted a bit he asked where I was from etc all the typical questions at one point I said I have been travelling since June so just over three months now and he immediately asked in a bit of a standoffish way “what do you do?” a typical comparative type question (rather than being interested in the travels itself).. that’s I suppose how you know someone already hates you for whatever reason vs wanting to connect ..I didn’t have a chance to answer as the other two girls on the tour showed up at this point. He immediately began talking to them and referred to them and himself as ‘we three’ etc and kind of his body language was already shutting me out and I felt like I was just tagging along - so I played that role and I adapted to the group dynamics and allowed the other girls to walk in front as the guide was mainly talking to them anyway and the girls also were not very friendly to other guest on the tour anyway. Although I am naturally very friendly and outgoing, I also adapt to other personalities or situations. Some time 10 mins in out of nowhere the guide was like “everything fine with you” and not in a kind way but like an accusation. At this point he he was mainly talking with the other two girls about the info etc. (not asking them rude questions implying there is something wrong with them..?) so at this point I’m like um??? Yea..?? Like what…? I just nod but the guide is not happy with this and continues to interrogate me then saying because if you don’t want to be here you can just leave you don’t have to be with us… um wow? I kind of checked out at this point from the hostility but continued to follow along like not sure why they were so hateful to me. I felt so disrespected. Maybe the guide is conditioned to cater or be more welcoming to Europeans.. ? Who knows but the two girls also did not give a very welcoming or friendly demeanor from the start. I don’t expect everyone to be sociable or friendly so I was content to just taking a back seat but the behavior of the guide was especially awkward and disrespectful to me. Anyway, I veered off once we got to the mosque as I was wearing shorts - the guide did not handle the situation well and just pointed at me with the umbrella and was like ok well you can’t go in anyway and didn’t even suggest where I could wait or for how long - maybe a blessing in disguise as I already checked out from the hostility anyway. Lol this reminds me why I don’t usually join organized tours.. just dealing with the disrespect of some people.. ugh

  • Filippo(1 Opinión)
    Reserva verificada
    Viajó en grupo - 20/08/2023

    The places are nice but the guide is quite boring. I wouldn't have left a review if not for the very bad behaviour from the tour guide. Had to leave a bit earlier because of personal stuff, but I still tipped him more than half of what I tipped for a much better and longer tour in a European capital. Still, the guide told me with a threatening tone that "this is not enough".


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