Somos la empresa de free tours más antigua de Varsovia y mostramos Varsovia a turistas internacionales desde 2011. Somos una empresa local con sede en Varsovia. Nuestros guías son auténticos varsovianos. Aman su ciudad y quieren compartir su pasión contigo. En cada recorrido, obtendrá una perspectiva local original, diferente. Somos uno de los free tours mejor calificados en Varsovia en Google.
We learnt a lot during this visit. Every point was explained in detail
Albert is extremely passionate about the city and this definitely comes over. He is immensely knowledgeable. A great introduction to the history of the city and indeed, Poland. I would definitely recommend it.
Gawel was very nice and explained us many things about the guetto, the city and the history of the country. It was a very good moment that we spend with him.