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In each country, each region and each city or village, in front of the creativity of its inhabitants I find hope in our common future

Opiniones publicadas (3)


She is fun, interesting and curious. It was an amazing time with her and I learned much about the history of Georgia in Caucasian region.

Respuesta de Teona
Thanks for joining me Pacha!

Respuesta de Nazim
Even we had all the time interested topics to discuss it seems he was in rush for everything and he needed to catch a Bus . Time was short

Vous paserez pas des lieux et rencontrerez le quotidien des tunisiens comme vous n'aurez pas penser vous être ascessible comme touriste. Interroger Salah est un plaisir, car ses réponses vous donnent l'idée d'un pays en constante évolution et riche d'une grande culture souvent méconnue.
