Con la experiencia de los años en turismo, ofrecemos recorridos confiables y agradables con guía turístico oficial autorizado, nuestros guías están dispuestos a mostrarle la cultura, la historia, la vida local y todas las historias de mi hermosa ciudad que están por descubrir. Si está listo para caminar por las calles poco convencionales de Estambul como un local, no dude en unirse al MEJOR free tour por Estambul.
Amazing experience, Ozkan was very welcoming, the tour in general was very informative and fun. I highly recommend, very nice guy!
Very insightful and far more details both on history and culture/religion than expected. Many useful tips on the way!
This was such an excellent intro to a first time visitor to the city. The guide was funny and shared some amazing history of Istanbul. I would highly recommend this to everyone visiting the city, on your first day, then you take it from there.