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(7 opiniones)

Ariel - Guía turístico en Buenos Aires

¡Bienvenidos! Soy Ariel, de Buenos Aires. Al tener familia por (casi) todo el mundo (Canadá, Estados Unidos, España, Uruguay, Cuba y Medio Oriente) siempre sentí una particular alegría al mostrar las maravillas de Buenos Aires, una de las ciudades culturales más contundentes del mundo.

Fui guía durante tres años y medio del Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires( Ópera de la ciudad) y soy docente universitario de arte. He escrito cuentos y producido cortometrajes sobre la ciudad y resultado reconocidos en distintos concursos del Instituto Nacional de Cine (INCAA), la Legislatura de Buenos Aires y el Fondo Nacional de las Artes. Apasionado de entender socialmente cada lugar, intento acercarme a la historia como hecho humano. Soy cantante de ópera y de tango en formación. El arte es una llave que abre infinitas puertas.

Sobre el guía

Tours dados en GuruWalk: 11
Guía turístico en GuruWalk desde: 2022
Idiomas: Inglés, Español

1 Tour de Ariel

Opiniones (7)

(2 Opiniones) Montreal
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jan 2024

Ariel was a wonderful guide. Despite the fact that many places were closed on Jan 1st, he provided useful information and interesting history facts. He also answered additional questions and provided recommendations about places to visit in Buenos Aires.

(1 Opinion) Montreal
Reserva verificada
Viajó en pareja - Jan 2024

Great tour guide! Thanks Ariel

Respuesta de Ariel
Thank you very much for joining us today 😊! Enjoy your stay in Buenos Aires!
(3 Opiniones) Londres
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Viajó solo - Jan 2024

I was a bit disappointed with a quality of a tour. We just stayed at the same place and guide told us lots of facts which didn’t sound like a story . I had much better experience with guru walks in other cities

Respuesta de Ariel
Thank you for your review Natalia! It's unfortunate to hear the tour didn't live up to your expectatios after the effort made. On January the 1st, date of our tour, as it is a national holiday both the Cathedral and the Cabildo Museum are unfortunately closed and they are not accesible. Still all the best was done to tell the visitors every main fact on Argentinean contemporary history, on the mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Evita, Juan Domingo Perón, the Metropolitan Cathedral, Casa Rosada, The Federal Public Revenue Administration, the Banco Nación, the Pyramid of Plaza de Mayo, the Cabildo building, the demonstrations in the Plaza, the Islas Malvinas/ Falkland Islands war, the public national education and health system and about the different architechture styles in the city. Every question asked by the group was honestly answered and orientation towards other activities in the city was given when requested. Everything at reach to improve the visitors experience will be certainly done. I thank you very much for joining us today and for sharing your personal experience. I hope you enjoy your next tours and that you have a wonderful stay in Buenos Aires. I wish you a great year! :)
(1 Opinion) Múnich
Reserva verificada
Viajó solo - Jan 2024

Ariel explained different view points of the locals wrt. various topics. Just what is would hope for when having a tour with a local :)

Respuesta de Ariel
Thank you very much for your review. I wish you a wonderful stay in Buenos Aires and a great year! :)
(7 Opiniones) Silver Spring
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Viajó solo - Jan 2024

This is a brief tour of only the Plaza de Mayo, some of the surrounding buildings, and the history. Very little walking is required because it’s a short distance.

Respuesta de Ariel
Thank you so much Jennifer for joining us today! Have a great stay and a great year! :)

Destinos en los que Ariel ofrece tours

(7 opiniones)
