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I tend to do one these free waking tours in every city I visit. What I really enjoy about them is that they are typically led by passionate individuals, history buffs, etc. This one was led by a professional guide from a tourist agency, agency t-shirt, gadgets and all. We signed up for an English tour but in fact it was mixed EN/ES, the guide managed the two in parallel well - but it prolonged the tour substantially. We were told the min. 10 USD payment was an obligation, so it was hardly a ‚free’ tour... one girl only had 5 USD and so she was pointed to the ATM.. we asked for recommendations for local restaurants, looking for a traditional experience. We were pointed to the ‚best place in town’ but when we got there were several guides chilling outside waiting for their groups to finish… we chose another place. Overall, not great.


A great way to start our Ljubljana trip - we knew very little heading into the tour, and learned a lot - about places, products and customs. Minka surely came prepared - so we got to taste liqueur, bear-paste, cakes and milk, all together in like 1 hour 😂
