Adrian hier. 100 % rumänisch. Ich habe die Hälfte meines Lebens in Bukarest verbracht. Vor der Pandemie habe ich sieben Jahre lang als Marketingspezialistin in der Reisebranche gearbeitet und am College Geographie studiert (meine Leidenschaft seit meiner Kindheit). Ich bin auch der Schöpfer und Administrator der Facebook-Seite „Go Visit Bukarest“ und habe vor Kurzem damit begonnen, „Rundgänge“ durch die Stadt anzubieten, die ich sehr liebe. Ich lade Sie ein, mit mir die unterschätzte Hauptstadt Rumäniens zu entdecken! Wir sehen uns!
Adrian was very friendly and welcoming. He put the group at ease and it never felt awkward. He is obviously very knowledgeable about the city and this combined with his sense of humour made for a great tour. The tour covered an interesting mix of information and helped us get our bearings on our first day, we thoroughly enjoyed it. Thankyou so much Adrian.
Nos gustó mucho el tour con Adrian ☺️
I had Adrian for my walking tour today. He was a lovely tour guide, very friendly and welcoming. He asked our names and where we were from and he put everyone at ease! Very interesting tour , only positives to say :)
I could tell that Adrian did his best to show us his city. I enjoyed his tour and all the locations he showed us, and loved his stories!