(3 ratings)


Das ist Brahim aus Marrakesch, Marokko, ein zertifizierter Reiseleiter, ich bin seit 2018 Stadtführer und davor war ich einige Jahre Bergführer. Ich bin 30 Jahre alt, meine Aufgabe ist es, die Stimmung meines Landes zu zeigen und Wissen über unsere Kultur zu teilen und unsere Besucher den lokalen Lebensstil miteinbeziehen und erleben zu lassen.

1 Tour von Brahim

Ratings (3)

(1 Rating) Dublin
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Jun 2023

We had a great tour with Brahim. It ended up being just us, so we had a private tour tailored to what we wanted to see. Brahim was very informative and had a great sense of humour. He took loads of great photos for us at each location. Due to his extensive knowledge of the city, he took us down roads and through parts of the souks we definitely would have missed without him. He left us with a greater insight to the history of the city, tips on the souks and haggling and lots of restaurant recommendations. Thanks again for a fantastic tour Brahim!

(4 Ratings) Genf
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jun 2023

It was really an enjoyable tour. He shared lot of information about the history of the area and answered many of my questions. I ended up having a private tour with him since no one has else booked the tour. He was very generous in sharing tips for what to do next in Marrakech and where to go for vegan food.

(1 Rating) München
Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Apr 2023

Reiseziele, zu denen Brahim Touren anbietet

(3 ratings)

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