Ich lebe gerne dort, wo die Leute davon träumen, Urlaub zu machen! Deshalb habe ich an so magischen und paradiesischen Orten wie Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Punta Cana oder Barcelona gelebt ... Ich würde mich sehr freuen, den Pass Ihrer Freude zu stempeln, Ihnen das Beste dieser Orte zu zeigen und Ihr Reiseleiter auf der ganzen Welt zu sein!
We were lucky to have Charlie to ourselves just the two of us. We toured paral-Leo, Eixample and Sants. These are not touristy neighborhoods, but where real working people in Barcelona live Charlie explained about the history, took us through the maritime Museum quickly past the old factory. and on lovely pedestrian walks through neighborhoods where he described how people lived and some of the traditions of Barcelona it was extremely informative and enjoyable. Charlie was an excellent guide. He always made us feel cherished and not rushed. I would highly recommend a tour with him. Oh yes, his English is very understandable
Very passionate guide with a lot of knowledge of both history and culture is well as more earthly topics such as politics and economy
This tour is interesting to explore different neighborhoods of Barcelona. Charlie is a very enthusiastic and nice guide! He took time to answer our questions in a very clear way. Be prepared to walk a lot!
If you want to learn about the real Barcelona this tour is for you. I learnt so much about the recent development of the city and its people and culture. Charlie was knowledgeable and entertaining. He clearly loves his city and it rubs off!
Charlie was very knowledgeable. His English was very clear and easy to understand. His style, topics and landmarks he covered made the tour very interesting. From attending his tour, I felt that I really know the history and the significant landmarks of coastal Barcelona very well!