(19 ratings)


Hallo, ich bin Musa, ein leidenschaftlicher lokaler Reiseleiter, geboren und aufgewachsen in Kibera. Entdecken Sie verborgene Schätze und lokale Wunder auf dieser einzigartigen Reise durch das Herz von Kibera. Es erwarten Sie lokale Einblicke, eine lebendige Kultur und sinnvolle Kontakte. Nehmen Sie an meinen Kibera-Touren teil und erleben Sie ein authentisches, aufschlussreiches Erlebnis. Lasst uns Geschichten teilen und Verständnis schaffen. #KiberaExploration..!!! #TravelWithMe.!!!

1 Tour von Musa

Ratings (19)

(1 Rating) Taipeh
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Aug 2024

AMAZING experience! Must do it! Musa is an excellent guide. He gave me a very thorough tour inside Kibera slum and shared with me the history as well as the current status of Kibera. Musa is also very knowledgeable and will provide me many context to questions I have in Kibera. I was also invited to Musa's place where he introduced me to his sister as well as other family members- all super friendly and I felt truly welcomed as a guest! Had a bit of chat with the sister regarding gender issue in general and it was a very insightful talk. Throughout the tour, Musa will also ensure my safety and even wait till my Uber came before leaving. I was looking for Maiya Pasau and he also took me to a local spot to try it (which tasted amazing btw!) Overall it was a very profound experience and I would highly recommend this tour to anyone who is interested in Kibera!

(6 Ratings) Padua
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Aug 2024

Totally worth it! The tour is well organized and very interesting.

(1 Rating) Nairobi
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Aug 2024

Musa was the most amazing guide, I couldn't ask for any one else I could have experienced this with. He was super knowledge, professional and delightful 😊 Musa has a big heart and even invited me to see his family home. I learned so much about the community he comes from and met some amazing happy & prideful people along the way. I look forward to seeing Musa and his family in the future. I highly recommend Musa for your tour.

(3 Ratings) Nairobi
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jul 2024

Musa is a caring man. I am a solo traveler woman and not sure if i want to walk around the different area, until i meet Musa and he makes me feel safe on the walk. Thank you Musa and hope you all the best.

(6 Ratings) Capitol Hill
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Jun 2024

Our guide was very informative about the slums and about Kenya in general. Learned allot and even got a chance to meet his family and talk. Great experience to see how people live

Reiseziele, zu denen Musa Touren anbietet

(19 ratings)

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