Mein Name ist Maciej, ich bin 39 Jahre alt und lebe in einer herrlichen und unentdeckten Perle – Breslau. Ich führe die Stadt seit über 13 Jahren herum und mir wird dabei nie langweilig :) Jedes Mal, wenn ich den Alten Platz betrete, lächele ich. Und ich möchte Ihnen zeigen, warum :) Ich bin ein leidenschaftlicher Reisender – ich habe 28 Länder besucht und es werden immer mehr (meine Lieblingsorte sind Rom und Malta). Außerdem bin ich ein Liebhaber der Geschichte des alten Roms und Mitglied der Reenactment-Gruppe der alten römischen Legion. In meiner Freizeit tanze ich gerne, lese Bücher und trainiere mit Kugelhanteln. Ich lerne gerne Leute aus der ganzen Welt kennen, also freue ich mich darauf, auch Sie kennenzulernen!
Maciej is a very talented tour guide. The tour is 4 hours but honestly it flew by and I wouldn't have wanted it any shorter. Maciej is personable, a great speaker, funny and very informative. His knowledge is exceptional, both of history and current recommendations. He has put together such a well considered and well researched tour. He has great reference photos which really helped. I absolutely recommend this tour, one of the best tours I have been on in all my travels.
So much knowledge! Maciej is a great guide who knows literally everything about Wrocław :) If you're looking for a tour with a lot of interesting details- that's the one!
This tour was one of the best I've ever had! Maciej definitely loves this city and knows about every single fact about it. He's such a fun guy, and tries to connect with you from the get go. The places he's gonna show you are very interesting and they'll give you a great understanding about the city and its history through the different eras. I also like the fact that Maciej is not a "corporate" guide, so the tour really feels like walking around the city with your Polish friend. Extra points to his recommendations on where to eat and drink, they were amazing! 100% would recommend
We joined Maciej’s walking tour on the last day of our trip to Wrocław. While we had visited a lot of the streets and locations already, Maciej tells you the stories and history behind the buildings as well as the people and events that made Wrocław what it is today. He points out landmarks and detail that you would not otherwise notice or be aware of, and does all this in an interesting and memorable way. You can tell that he is passionate about Wrocław and its history, and is proud to share this with you. We would definitely recommend a walking tour with Maciej.