Willkommen bei The Golden Triangle Tours, Ihrem Tor zur Erkundung der berühmtesten Reiseziele Indiens mit beispielloser Leichtigkeit und Expertise. Wir sind auf die klassische Route des Goldenen Dreiecks – Delhi, Agra und Jaipur – spezialisiert und bieten sorgfältig zusammengestellte Touren an, die ein umfassendes Erlebnis der reichen Geschichte, der lebendigen Kultur und der architektonischen Wunder Indiens bieten. Unsere sachkundigen Reiseleiter sind bestrebt, aufschlussreiche und spannende Erlebnisse zu bieten und sicherzustellen, dass jede Tour sowohl lehrreich als auch unvergesslich ist. Ob Sie das Taj Mahal bestaunen, die geschäftigen Straßen Delhis erkunden oder das königliche Erbe Jaipurs entdecken, The Golden Triangle Tours verspricht eine Reise, die sowohl bereichernd als auch unvergesslich ist. Begleiten Sie uns auf einem außergewöhnlichen Abenteuer durch das Herz Indiens!
We were thoroughly impressed with Rahul and enjoyed, rather loved the tour. I can safely say that having done walking tours across the world, i had high expectation and at the same time, apprehension as I had never done this os India. It ws far beyond and better than expectation. Professionalism at its best- whether it eas about coordination, punctualoty or about spending time to explain everything. We set our expectations right in the beginning and Rahul stuck to it. Let me also add, I was returning to explore Delhi after several years but we were taken to places we never knew existed. It was an evening beyond expectations where we truly saw charisma of hidden Delhi. I will definitely recommend him to any of my friend visiting Delhi and Golden triangle. This one is for keeps!
Lucky successfully navigated our small group through the crowded streets of Old Delhi. We visited religious sites, winding streets, street food and the spice market. He was very responsive to our needs and enjoyed talking about the city. I highly recommend this great walking tour.
The tour was great. Got to explore the famous Gurudwara Sikh temple and observe the prayer music and see volunteers cook meals in the kitchen. Also got to visit the ancient spice market, try different kinds of street food, and visited the largest mosque in India. Learned a lot about the history, culture, and religions of India and Delhi during the tour. Recommend this tour to people visiting Delhi!
Rahul was great, the tour was very fluid. We loved it.