Ich bin ein Reiseleiter, der schon immer eine Leidenschaft dafür hatte, durch die Straßen seiner Stadt zu gehen, sich in den engen Gassen oder in den herrlichen Panoramen zu verlieren und Geschichten und Legenden zu erzählen
Giovanni was a great guy. We had a good time and he had great recommendations for bars and drinks. We enjoyed conversations. We definitely recommend him!
I loved this was not a 20 year-old let’s get wasted pub crawl. The 4 bars we visited served excellent drinks and had great ambience, the group consisted of interesting people in their 30s and the tour guide was enough of a good host to keep us entertained and come up with conversation topics to continue keeping us engaged till the end of the night. I would go out with Giovanni again, I recommend the experience.
Everything was ok.
Giovanni was very fun, it felt like going on a night out with a local. He took us to some fun bars and overall, the experience has been positive.
Giovanni explained every details related to the city and the drinks. Had a wonderful time! Highly recommended tour 🙏🏽