Ich bin Reiseführer, ich mag, was ich tue, und es macht mir Spaß, Geschichte zu teilen. Ich mag es, wenn Menschen etwas über unser Land und seine Kultur erfahren.
Nicanor is a good guide to learn more about Nicaragua.
This tour was overloaded with historical details, making it difficult to absorb anything. The guide seemed more interested in showcasing their own knowledge than connecting with the group. I left feeling like I learned a lot of dates, but nothing about the actual culture or current life in Nicaragua. I was hoping for a broader experience, including recommendations for food and places to explore.
Great guide and had a lot of very interesting information on the past. He put things into perspective. I really enjoyed his tour and the stories he shared with us. He gave us his opinion on the current situation which was highly appreciated. Great guide
Excellent tour, informative and answered all of our questions!
We thoroughly enjoyed our city tour with Nicanor. He was both friendly and informative providing a local view on history of Granada and Nicaragua. He also kindly showed us a few good local food spots. Bonus points for keeping the group size small. We had a lovely time. Thank you!