Hallo, wir sind eine Gruppe von Reiseleitern, Liebhabern von Geschichte und kultureller Vielfalt. Wir laden Sie ein, mit unseren Touren in der Stadt der Engel Orte mit kulturellem Erbe zu entdecken. Alte Viertel und ihre versteckten Orte. Ich möchte Ihnen die Stadt zeigen, wie wir sie sehen.
Exactly what we wanted. Erika is rightfully proud of her lovely city and showed us a great cross section of the many things it has to offer. Highly recommended. Michael and Martina
Sebastian was very knowledgeable and we really enjoyed the tour. We also enjoyed getting to know him.
We were the only 2 people on the tour. Erika gave us a very thorough, detailed and interesting tour. It lasted @ 3 hours. She was great. I would highly recommend this tour.