(136 ratings)


Hey! Ich bin Santiago, ich lebe schon mein ganzes Leben hier in Guadalajara, ich liebe es, über meine Stadt zu sprechen und die Reaktionen der Menschen zu sehen, wenn sie sehen, was wir hier haben, was wir hier tun und was wir essen, das' Der Grund, warum ich mich entschieden habe, Reiseleiter zu werden, und das mache ich seit fast 5 Jahren, es ist meine Leidenschaft und ich werde nie müde davon.

1 Tour von Santiago

Ratings (136)

(1 Rating) London
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Sep 2024

The walking tour was great. We covered many interesting sites. Santiago shared a wealth of information. I recommend his tour and to do it on the first day in Guadalajara for some insights to the city. :)

(1 Rating) Guadalajara
Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Sep 2024

Highly recommended tour. Santiago was an excellent guide - informative without being boring, personable, and spoke perfect English. The fruit tasting at the market was a nice added bonus at the end of the tour.

(2 Ratings) Düsseldorf
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Aug 2024

(1 Rating) Sacramento
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Aug 2024

Santiago generously gave me a private tour when other parties didn’t show, and we walked through much of the Centro, covering a lot of information. He is upbeat and passionate about history and Guadalajara. I highly recommend taking Santiago’s tour when you arrive to town so you have a good orientation of the Centro and some personalized recommendations to follow up on!

(2 Ratings) Denver
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Aug 2024

It was a great tour. Lots of information on the city and its history. I really enjoyed it.

Reiseziele, zu denen Santiago Touren anbietet

(136 ratings)

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