Ich bin Maria, geboren und aufgewachsen in Belgrad. Ich habe Literaturwissenschaften an der Fakultät für Philologie in Belgrad studiert, aber meine Leidenschaft fürs Reisen und das Kennenlernen neuer Leute hat mich zu einem anderen Karriereweg geführt und ich bin lizenzierte Reiseleiterin geworden. Das ist mein Traumberuf :) Ich mag gutes Essen, Musik, Geschichte, Kunst und natürlich das Lernen von Sprachen. Neue Städte kennenzulernen macht immer Spaß und ich würde mich freuen, Sie bei dieser Erfahrung zu begleiten. Sie sind herzlich willkommen.
The tour with Marija (Maria) was the best tour ever I’ve ever done in my life, since the beginning she were amazing in her knowledge and in the information she provided us, she’s a great information-teller, like a great storyteller, the way she talks and the contents she tells. This was my 2nd tour in Belgrade, because I didn’t get enough at all in the 1st one with a different guide which was disappointing, but with Maria as I already said it was totally amazing. She answered all my questions, she took us to the most important places of the city, unlike the previous tour guide I had in the 1st tour
Mi è piaciuto molto il tour a Belgrado. La guida in quasi 3 ore ci ha fatto vedere i punti salienti della città, senza mai annoiare. Peccato per la nebbia persistente che ci ha impedito di ammirare il Danubio. Marija è altamente consigliata come guida.
Il tour è stato interessante, pieno di informazioni storiche e culturali ma anche pratiche. Marija è una guida colta e divertente. Consigliatissima!
Very good visit. Very interesting and complete !
The tour guide was AMAZING! I loved every bit of information she gave. Even though it was cold she tried her best to take us to give us the best experience and she did! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you very much for every recommendation, every place you took us and about all the history we learned.