Ich bin Reiseleiterin und teile mit Leidenschaft meine Liebe für den wunderschönen Stadtstaat Singapur. Als jemand, der 2013 aus beruflichen Gründen nach Singapur gezogen ist, sich in die Stadt verliebt und die Liebe meines Lebens gefunden hat, meine liebe einheimische Frau, bringe ich einen einzigartigen, aufregenden und ungewöhnlichen Blickwinkel auf die Stadt mit. Begleiten Sie mich auf einem Stadtrundgang für eine erste Einführung, die Ihnen helfen wird, zu verstehen, wie sich Singapur von einem armen Fischerdorf zu einer der wirtschaftlich wichtigsten Städte der Welt entwickelt hat. Kommen Sie und entdecken Sie die reiche Geschichte und das Erbe dieser fantastischen Insel.
Good tour, informative
Good tour, great route and some interesting stories. Our first stop was the roof garden in the 51st floor of the JP Morgan building; what a great introduction to the layout of the city :)
I did the tour last year, thinking that we would visit at the same places, but I saw places I haven’t seen last year, which I quite enjoyed especially the different bronze sculptures. I like the fact that we visited the merlion as last year we never did the merlion however we did go to the parliament building last year and other buildings that we didn’t see this time round. All in all I find that it’s worth doing the tour more than once because each tour guide has a different Presentation
We really enjoyed this tour on a typical hot humid Singapore morning. Avihay has adopted Singapore as his home and he clearly feels very much at home here and thinks highly of the city. We particularly enjoyed the views from the top of the JP Morgan building - this was an unexpected highlight of the tour.
This was a great tour. Avi took us on a tour of the central areas of SIngapore . He gave us lots of information which I didn’t find anywhere else in the guidebook about how SIngapore developed from a small colonial outpost to the amazing city it is today. He was also very entertaining and took us up the second highest tower block in SIngapore. Usually this costs about $35 to go up the Marina Bay Sands and the viewing platform is 300 feet higher. He was also very good about guiding us at the end and suggesting good places to get street food and how to see the sound and light shows at the Marina Bay Sands and the gardens by the Bay. All in all a great tour