Ich bin in Brisbane geboren und aufgewachsen und es ist der beste Ort, an dem man sein kann. Ich bin an einige Orte gereist, darunter Schottland, Irland, Großbritannien, Griechenland und Rom, die reich an Geschichte und Kultur sind. Ich liebe Geschichte, da es ein faszinierendes Thema ist und ich vor allem eine sehr positive Einstellung zum Leben habe und es als ein großes Abenteuer betrachte, das es wert ist, erlebt zu werden!
If you are looking for an historical tour, Rory is your men! He knows all the dates! But if you are looking for fun facts or humoristic situation, choose another tour!
Yesterday Rory cancelled the tour that morning for personal reasons. I didn’t notice it had been cancelled so I showed up, but he did notify me three hours in advance. I rescheduled for the next day and he asked me to show up earlier so he could go to a Christmas party, which was totally fine, so I showed up and once again he didn’t show up. In his defense, there was a second message sent to me asking me if I would be there at 9:30 that I didn’t see. However I still had a reservation for later in the day which I asked him to confirm multiple times that he would be there and he finally told me it was canceled. So I never did get the tour.
I’m from Melbourne and knew nothing of Brisbanes history. Rory walked me through the heritage sites of the city with a bank of information for names dates and locations and was very engaging.