Als lizenzierter Reiseleiter, der in Montenegro geboren wurde, bin ich stolz darauf, die atemberaubenden Landschaften und die reiche Kultur meines Landes zu präsentieren. Über diese Plattform biete ich das ganze Jahr über Wandertouren in meiner Heimatstadt Podgorica an, die den verborgenen Charme des Landes hervorheben sollen. Für diejenigen, die eine persönlichere Note suchen, biete ich auch maßgeschneiderte Erlebnisse wie ausgedehnte Stadtrundfahrten, Wein- und Gastronomieabenteuer, Besuche religiöser Sehenswürdigkeiten oder die Erkundung der verborgenen Schätze Montenegros mit dem Auto an. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam unvergessliche Erinnerungen schaffen! Senden Sie mir hier oder auf Instagram @podgoricaguide_montenegro eine DM für Details und Buchungen.
A guia foi excelente. Aceitou fazer o tour mesmo com o tempo ruim e sendo apenas duas pessoas. Muito conhecedora da história e nos mostrou pontos na cidade que sozinhos não teríamos visto.
Tatjana was amazing. Her tour was absolutely engaging. My partner (who is a registered tour guide herself throughout Western Europe) described Tatjana as truly outstanding. As a GuruWalk novice, I was blown away with her historical knowledge, infectious sense of humour and captivating storytelling. Tatjana brought Podgorica alive! Andrew Weaver Canada
Tatjana was a fantastic tour guide. She described and explained everything wonderfully and recommended great places, even offering to be available for further questions. It was fantastic, it couldn't have been better.
She was a best guide. Montenegro especially Podgorica is hard to travel alone. I think booking a guide tour is necessary to get many informations. If u visited here dont hesitate to book a tour. P.S. Podgorica is not a boring city lol.
Excellent tour if you want to experience podgorica Tania is brilliant