Wir haben eine Leidenschaft für Porto und möchten diese Liebe mit Ihnen teilen, indem wir die besten Wandertouren durch die Stadt anbieten und zeigen, warum Porto in letzter Zeit zu einem so beliebten Reiseziel geworden ist und 2017 mit seinen bezaubernden Straßen, seiner schönen Architektur und seiner farbenfrohen Architektur zum besten Reiseziel Europas gewählt wurde Häuser und fantastisches Essen.
Gianfranco was excellent. Information was delivered in a humorous way. Very entertaining and it was obvious that he loved Porto and its culture.
Guide was more interested in the telling us the price of getting into the attractions than the stories behind them Guide was annoyed with us for not having questions and then when we asked questions his answers were short and not detailed Guide didn't seem to have that much knowledge of the place and rather picked on people in our group saying what they should like/not like based on their nationality
Was a fun tour and got to see main sites of Porto. Would recommend!
Our guide was awesome - a perfect combination of informative with a side of playful cheekiness :)
Very informative. Worth it