Antwort von Astrit:
Dear Ross, I'm so sorry you experienced this. Actually, from the last Sunday I'm very sick, a kind harsh flue, which made me unable to show up and do the tours all of these week and was recommended to avoid public. First days I couldnt canceled the booked tour and I hoped to be better each of next day. I just could briefly answer phones and sms. I just now can see the reviews. I'm so sorry for you and all the group waiting. I didn't have anybody to replace me during this period.
Anyway I'm a full time tour guide and that's all I do, especially on season. I try to have as many tours as possible, as long as there are guests. Willingly I never miss a tour, not at least to show up. But what does not depend on me, it's impossible to interfere. Just now, I started to feel better. I wish you managed to enjoy the town. Sincerely, Astrit