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The best guruwalks in Alexanderplatz

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With the disappearance of the Berlin Wall, a new era has begun in Berlin.
Berlin has become one of the most popular destinations in Europe. New buildings, museums, galleries and restaurants have breathed new life into this historic city.
Alexanderplatz square is an important meeting point in Berlin and at its centre is the TV Tower, which offers breathtaking views of the city.
If you're looking for culture, we recommend visiting the Museum Island or finding a gallery that hosts an art, photography or design exhibition near where you're staying in Berlin.
To make sure you don't miss a single detail, we recommend you hire a Free Tour like the ones we offer here at GuruWalk.
Alexanderplatz is a large shopping square in Berlin. It has more than 2000 shops and an underground station, which serves as an important hub for the city's public transport system.
The area around Alexanderplatz was inaugurated on 28 May 1882 with the completion of its most famous building, the Alexanderhaus, at a cost of 5 million marks. The square was named after Emperor Alexander III of Russia on the occasion of his visit to Germany in 1884.
The Alexanderhaus building was designed by architect Hans Scharoun in the 1950s and is located on a prominent site in Kantstraße.
Hans Scharoun, was an architect linked to Martin Gropius and Walter Gropius, both founding members of the Bauhaus. He was awarded first prize in a design competition for this project. Alexanderhaus has an imposing presence because of its height and asymmetrical appearance. It is also covered with glass bricks, giving it a futuristic appearance.
Not far from Alexanderplatz is the Royal Palace.
The Royal Palace in Berlin is one of the most famous monuments in Germany. The palace was built in the 19th century and is located in the centre of the city. Tourists come to visit this palace to see its beautiful interior and exterior, such as the richly decorated window at the south end of the building.
The Berlin Royal Palace is an impressive building that occupies a large part of the centre of Berlin. It was built by Friedrich Wilhelm IV between 1843 and 1850.
Some notable features include an arcaded courtyard, richly decorated window panes at the south end, a sculpture-filled façade and a flight of stairs leading from Unter den Linden to an entrance on Pariser Platz.
And all of this is bathed by the flowing waters of the river Spree.
The river Spree is one of Berlin's most important waterways, flowing through the city and changing its course every year. It provides drinking water, water for industry and recreation for locals and tourists alike.

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