Ratings (731)


Ciao! Sono Emanuele e sono nato e vivo a Napoli, sono innamorato profondamente tutto il golfo di cui mi considero figlio, amo entrare in contatto con le contrastanti e frammentate realtà che caratterizzano l'area Partenopea ed in particolare la mia amata città, così come amo molto viaggiare e scoprire culture ed usanze diverse dalle mie.

Lavoro nel turismo e nelle relazioni pubbliche da 10 anni, e da sempre ho sentito la necessità di discostarmi dalla maniera di fare del turismo di massa, preferendo una visione più orientata verso i "viaggiatori" piuttosto che ai "turisti", mettendo in contatto le persone con i diversi colori delle realtà locali ed ascoltare le mille voci e le mille storie che raccontano. Non sono una guida formale ma piuttosto mi ritengo un mediatore culturale tra il viaggiatore ed il mondo che conosco, per poterlo aiutare a sentirsi partecipe della realtà che lo circonda così da poterla toccare con mano, ed averne esperienza, piuttosto che guardarla dal di fuori come in una vetrina. Credo anche che questo sia il modo migliore per rendere l'esperienza di tutti più informale, spontanea e genuina.

Allora che aspetti? Vieni a fare una passeggiata amichevole con me?

3 Tour di Emanuele

Ratings (731)

11 Jun 2024 Tel Aviv
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - May 2024

Risposta di Emanuele:
I swear I couldn’t wait to see your upcoming comment, after spending the whole tour outside the group and paying 5euros in 2 (1 euro if you take commissions away), but unfortunately your comment is private so I’m going to put it here to answer: “No consideration for group positioning, talked for two and a half hours straight without really talking about things we were seeing, felt like a lecture about his politics without stopping for questions” First of all i’m sorry you couldn’t get along with my suggestions on the logistics, since the spanish districts are not a pedestrian area and it’s always complicated to get around if you just move witouth considering the continuous traffic. Second i talked for two hours and half about litterally everything, from the history of napoli, to the voting chapels (which we stopped to see while I described it) passing from the areas of biggest economical changes, like the first square where we stop, to Maradona Square and his influence on the neapolitans, and to the local tailor which we visited and i still talked about it, so what you actually mean when you say that I wasnt talking about things we were seeing?? Where were you when I was showing you things? Is it my fault if you spent the whole tour actively being disinterested on everything i was telling you? I notice the change of your expression as soon as I showed you a building of Fascist Architecture, making a little joke against it, so maybe I understand why you decided to boicot your own experience and why you talk about lecturing about politics… Actually people made me a lot of question this morning but none by you, so it’s a bit intellectual dishonest to say so but well I was not expecting more honestly. Finally, i suggest next time to read very well what you’re booking, and maybe also read other people reviews before choosing an experience just for the amount of good feedback, this may help into finding activities correlated to our own interest, I would never dream to criticize a Pizzeria if they didn’t served me sushi.. Well enjoy napoli anyway <3
10 Jun 2024 Parigi
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jun 2024

Beyond expectations. No words can describe much of Napoli I have taken with me after this tour. Thank you Em.

07 Jun 2024 Cattaro
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jun 2024

Emanuele did a tour out of the ordinary ones. He made us experience the real streets of Naples Spanish Neighborhood and his people. Would suggest to everyone.

07 Jun 2024 Vienna
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - May 2024

One of the best and most authentic tours I’ve ever participated in Naples! Emanule showed us the most hidden and beautiful places, got us known the traditional artisans and told und so many interesting historical and actual facts. If you want to get an idea of the real Naples you have to do a tour with Emanuele!

06 Jun 2024 Monaco di Baviera
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Jun 2024

Really enjoyed our tour of Quartieri Spagnoli with Emanuele! Learned a lot about the city of Napoli and gained a lot of perspective on the city from things like the recent history related to Maradona and the region's relationship with other parts of Italy. It focussed on an appreciation of the history, politics and the people of the city and less on particular sights. I would definitely recommend the tour to those wanting to get their bearings and some context of the place they are visiting.

Destinazioni a cui Emanuele offre tour

Ratings (731)
