Ratings (17)


Rusiatourmoscu ist ein Tourismusunternehmen in Russland, das eine Gruppe von Führern hat, die in die Geschichte Moskaus verliebt sind und die sie leidenschaftlich lieben. Seine Architektur und seine Umgebung lassen auch seine Besucher in ihn verlieben. Wir möchten, dass unsere Freunde eine angenehme Zeit genießen. Wir laden Sie ein, uns die besten Geschichten dieser schönen Stadt mitzuteilen.

2 Touren von RusiaTourMoscu

Ratings (17)

27 May 2024 Alcobendas
Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - May 2024

Sergio es un guía muy agradable que te explica lo más relevante sin abrumarte con información. Su castellano es perfecto, pues se crió en Colombia. Muy recomendable!

26 May 2024 Espinho
Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - May 2024

Muy buen tour. Elena muy agradable y además, una enciclopedia caminante con tanta información, sin ser abrumadora.

08 Apr 2024 Ankara
Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Apr 2024

The tour time was 12:00, and I waited for the guide from 11:45, but the guide did not show up. There was no internet, so I had no way to contact them, but I got a call around 12:05 and was told that I couldn't go on the tour. I think that if they are going to unilaterally cancel a reservation, they should notify us at least an hour or two in advance. Because the guide contacted me after the scheduled reservation time, I had to change my plans for the day and wasted time. They even forced me to tip 5,000 rubles if I was going to make a reservation for the next time since I was the only one attending. I thought it was a very rude and unprofessional response.

Antwort von RusiaTourMoscu:
We are sorry for your bad experience. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any reservations for today and we didn’t expect to have a tour, as the tourism is currently very low in Russia because of the current situation. Your reservation showed up at 1:36 am. So, unfortunately, we just didn’t notice it advance in order to be able to warn you on time that the tour was not going to happen at 12 pm. We were willing to reschedule it, however, we mentioned that it would be fair to expect a decent tip (around 5000 rub) for a 3-hour private tour. As I mentioned previously, there are almost no tourists these days, and as far as you may know, these kind of tours are based on tips. So if there is a big group, the tip is sufficient. But if there is 1 o 2 people, we are forced to let tourists know before the tour happens, that we hope to be rewarded properly for a private 3-hour tour.
07 Apr 2024 Buenos Aires
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Apr 2024

A pesar del frío disfrutamos con la cálida compañía de Elena. Muy buena profesional.

29 Dec 2023 Porto
Geprüfte Reservierung
In einer Gruppe gereist - Dec 2023

The guide didn't appear.

Antwort von RusiaTourMoscu:
We are sorry about your bad experience, however, we contacted you by WhatsApp to inform you that the tour wouldn't take place. Until now you haven't answered our message but left a bad comment about the tour that you didn't even do.

Reiseziele, zu denen RusiaTourMoscu Touren anbietet

Ratings (17)

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